Halleloo Hallalou Hallolew Hallalewja! Praiseee the Lor!



dissonant Dreamer
Kyle Lowe
The Sirago 17

the overdubs

white painted curb
loading zone for?

uphill-towards the street


That's me, bleeding from the gums
Cigar box face make me numb
Like a steady beating drum
it goes on and on and on

That's me forgetting what you said
Trumpet magnet in my head
Like a bug infested bed
it goes on and on and on

Have you read "No One Will Make It Out Of Here Alive" about Jim Morrison?

-James Schrader
17220 U.S. Hwy 59, New Caney, TX 77372

Go to the college, mall, other place,
pass out fliers
hang up fliers

Adam: Great!

Nick: Wonderful!

Adam: Splendid!

Nick: Extravagant!

Adam: Marvelous!

Nick: Fantastic!

Adam: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!!!

Nick: Bippity boppity boo!!!

Adam: The cow jumped over the moon!!

Nick: The clock struck 12 and down he fell!!

Adam: All the way down to hell!

Forrest's Song

That's me, bleeding from the gums
Cigar box face make me numb
Like a steady beating drum
it goes on and on and on

That's me forgetting what you said
Trumpet magnet in my head
Like a bug infested bed
it goes on and on and on

yeah when the horror starts falling neatly
like a hollocaust coming sweetly
You better start stalling wheatly
in lined

but if you're planin on failin steeply
I can hold you up a brand new tipi
Let you stay a little doll faced cheeky
for time

it holds a second to unwind

Oh you making all your dues
Underwater heartache blues
It's a lifestyle that you choose
it goes on and on and on

Oh you with your busted head
Singing bout your friends that left
You know it's bloody gorunds you tread
they go on and on and on

on and on and on

Yes Mrs. Mariqueen
You are a merry queen
I won't be very mean
No more

Yes Mrs. Mariqueen
You are a merry queen
I won't be walking out
your door


hold out last note double

it takes a second to unwind

WACC ing some N's?

May 9 - August 23 - Registration Available for All Students.



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